Posts Tagged ‘ pie ’

First Contact

It has been a while since we have updated and for good reason. Gossamer was telling the truth. A green monster has been following him around. We have been desperately trying to track him down and get photo evidence. With much patience we were able to get the pictures below. Just click them to get a better look.

First we have a picture of some strange green thing with horns hiding. We placed a pumpkin pie to see if we can get him to appear.

Strange Creature

The plan works but we are still not able to get a clear shot of the little green thing.

Hungry Strange Creature

Next, Gossamer and I went to Fredericksburg, Texas for funsies. To our horror, we spotted the same green fur with horns.

Green Monster Sighting on Christmas Tree

We are still not sure who are what it is. There is also another problem. Gossamer was suppose to go on vacation to the Grand Canyon with a friend of his but was pushed out of his bag and tied up!!! Gossy says it was the green monster who did it. Poor Gossamer was left lost and crying for days before I was able to find him. I’m currently contacting those in charge of the trip to see what has happened. Little green monster, I will find you!